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C-GEM brings polymer science to the Kits Cubed STEM Fair

This past weekend, C-GEM was one of 36 exhibitors at the 4th Annual Kits Cubed STEM Fair. C-GEM scientists showed up on the front lawn of Oakland Technical High School to teach about the science of biopolymers to almost 4,500 attendees. Our booth featured our “Pasta-mers” activity—a hands-on activity demonstrating how shape informs function—and Eterna—the citizen science, RNA puzzle game. You can try both of these activities at home by clicking the links below.

Left to right: Isaac Garcia (postbac), Jessica Murray (graduate student), Vincent Chim (graduate student), Jennifer Poo (EOD manager), Leah Roe (graduate student).

Kits Cubed brings science to the youth through fun, affordable, and accessible means. They are based out of Oakland, CA and serve the greater Bay Area community by providing science kits, teaching after-school courses, and hosting STEM fairs.


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