This summer, C-GEM hosted our largest cohort of Summer Undergraduate Research Program Scholars yet! We hosted ten scholars at five C-GEM institutions: Berkeley, Boston College, Georgia Tech, Minnesota, and Yale. SURP students hailed from across the United States, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, and California. Thanks to a Partnership for Research and Education grant with the University of New Mexico, C-GEM was able to host 6 SURP students from UNM.
SURP Scholars worked for ten weeks on their research project, guided by a graduate student or postdoctoral mentor. At the end of the summer, all scholars presented their work at poster sessions. Chuzube Edeh (hosted by the Champion Lab at Georgia Tech) and Jared Balsz-Diaz (hsoted by the Miller Lab at Yale) both won “best poster” prizes at their university poster sessions – congratulations!